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Archive for the 'Whole Body Health' Category

Spotting the Signs of Stroke

Stroke is a leading cause of death and long-term disability globally. While 1-in-10 stroke patients may achieve a full recovery, the majority will experience varying degrees of impairment, ranging from minor to severe, that can hinder their ability to perform pre-stroke activities of daily living. Additionally, without proactive measures, stroke survivors face an elevated risk [..]

Low Back Pain and The Importance of Sleep

Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and it’s estimated 619 million people suffer an episode each year. By 2050, it’s expected this total will jump to 843 million! In addition to the direct and indirect effects low back pain can have on the individual patient, the overall healthcare costs and productivity [..]

Manual Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease

The term gait refers to the human steady state of walking. Although most of us don’t have to concentrate on walking from one room to another, this task is actually very complex for our balance control system as it requires the integration of multiple sensory input arising from the somatosensory, vestibular, and visual systems. It also necessitates [..]

Exercise for Heart Patients

It’s well established that cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of disability and death worldwide, of which coronary artery disease and heart failure are the most common. Even though there has been great progress in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for coronary artery disease and heart failure over the past 30 years, the prognosis remains poor, [..]

Healthier Ageing and Independence

Activities of daily living (ADL) are defined as essential tasks a person would need to perform to maintain their own health and wellbeing. This encompasses both fundamental self-care tasks (like getting dressed, feeding oneself, bathing, using the restroom, and sitting, standing, and moving from one location to another) and more complex activities necessary for meeting [..]

Reducing the Risk for Obesity

The Global Burden of Disease Group reports that the prevalence of obesity has doubled in over 70 countries since 1980 and has continually increased in most others. It’s currently estimated that nearly 30% of the world population—more than two billion people—meet the criteria for obesity. It’s unclear if any government top-down interventions have slowed the [..]

The Benefits of Golf for the Ageing Player

The National Golf Foundation reports there are approximately 36.9 million golfers in the United States, averaging more than 500 million rounds of golf each year. Golf is one of the most popular sports in the country with participants of all ages, genders, and skill levels. Interestingly, unlike many other sports, golfers tend to spend more [..]

Life’s Simple 7 Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health

Presently, someone in the United States suffers a heart attack about every 34 seconds, on average. In an effort to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the incidence of poor cardiovascular outcomes like heart disease and stroke, the American Heart Association released their Life’s Simple 7 guidelines in 2010. These include four modifiable behaviors and three [..]

Dietary Strategies for Healthier Bones

Bone is a living tissue that naturally and continuously breaks down (osteoclastic activity) and is replaced (osteoblastic activity). Peak bone mass is achieved at around age 30 with breakdown accelerating thereafter. If sufficient bone mass and microstructure is lost, an individual may be diagnosed with a condition known as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can affect both men [..]

Strategies for Improving Vascular Health

Efficient blood circulation is essential for the health of nearly all bodily functions, including the heart and cardiovascular system, the kidneys, and the brain. If vascular health is compromised, either from endothelial (blood vessel wall) dysfunction or stiffening of the large elastic arteries (such as the aorta and carotid arteries), then the risk for adverse [..]